HII MTC RF & EMS Engineering


TIREM is an advanced terrain-integrated radio frequency (RF) propagation modeling designed to predict RF signal loss over variable terrain and sea water, making it a powerful tool for ground-based and airborne transmitters and receivers.

TIREM provides highly accurate predictions of RF signal loss over variable terrain and sea water, helping optimize communications systems for maximum performance.

Benefits of using TIREM

  • Accurate predictions: TIREM provides highly accurate predictions of RF signal loss over variable terrain and sea water, helping you optimize your communication systems for maximum performance.
  • Wide applicability: It is suitable for both ground-based and airborne transmitters and receivers, making it a versatile tool for various applications.
  • Government-approved: TIREM is the de facto propagation tool of the United States Federal Government, ensuring its reliability and credibility in predicting RF signal loss.
  • Continuous enhancement: HII's scientists and engineers continuously update and improve TIREM to keep up with the latest advancements in RF propagation modeling.

HII enhancements differentiating from GOTS TIREMv3

  • Atmospheric Ray Tracing
  • Wedge Diffraction
  • ITU Rain model
  • ITU Fog and Cloud model
  • Rayleigh dust model
  • Scintillation model
  • Crane Rain model
  • ITU rain statistics map (helps feed the rain model)
  • ITU fog statistics map (fog model)
  • Use atmospheres other than US STD 1962
  • MM Wave model for line-of-sight propagation up to 1000 GHz (1 THz)
  • NBS Long Term Fading model
  • Incorporation of Longley-Rice model for those who do not have access to detailed terrain data
  • Inclusion of statistical fading models
  • Performance tuning
  • Python binding available
  • Unlimited number of water-land transitions
  • Spherical Earth Model exposed to users
  • Windows, Mac, and Linux, 32-bit and 64-bit
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